Ever since the index case of the novel coronavirus was recorded in Nigeria in late February, President Muhammadu Buhari had begun to take proactive efforts to curb the spread and ensure the safety of the masses.

As part of those precautionary measures, President Muhammadu Buhari had imposed a compulsory shutdown of all schools and tertiary institutions in the country so as to prevent the spread of the virus in the country.

Now, it has been over 100 days since all schools have been shutdown and students have been sitting idle doing nothing at home.

The Nigerian Federal Government promised we (students) that while we will be sitting at home, E-Learning will be introduced so as to keep our memories fresh on what we were being taught in school before all educational activities were suspended in the country.

But, it seems all effort to make the E-Learning work has proved abortive, this is because there is no sufficient power supply which can be used to power our Tv and radios whenever lectures are being done on them.